News from 2024 - EST 2030 in Dormagen

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News from 2024

Mayor signs contract for 2030 European shooting event
On Friday, 30 August, the contract for the European Shooters' Meeting (EST) 2030 was signed between the city of Dormagen, the association “Europaschützentreffen Dormagen 2030 e.V.” and the European Community of Historical Shooters (EGS). As part of the EST 2024 in Mondsee, Austria, it was decided that the EST 2030 would take place in Dormagen from 9 to 11 August. The contract was signed in the Fürstenzimmer at Mondsee Castle.
‘We are delighted to be hosting marksmen from all over Europe. The European Shooters‘ Meeting will be an event for young and old, true to our motto: We connect people,’ says Mayor Erik Lierenfeld. ‘The anticipation is growing from day to day. The first working groups have been formed and planning is already in full swing,’ adds Manfred Klein, 1st Chairman of the “Europaschützentreffen Dormagen 2030 e.V.” association. ‘It will be a great event for Dormagen and the European shooting community.’
The EST is a European shooting festival for all associations in the EGS, which takes place every three years. In addition to the competition for the European kingship, the common experience of all shooters in Europe takes centre stage at this festival. Here, the marksmen can familiarise themselves with the historical differences in the development of European marksmanship and gain an understanding of the country-specific characteristics.
The EST organises competitions in shooting, drumming and flag-waving, among other things, to strengthen the community of European friends. The meeting of youth organisations is also promoted in the EGS. Familiarising with and learning from each other are at the heart of this great European encounter, alongside the shared way of celebrating.
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